003 Tuesday Blues

Follow Your Ear // Earl Hooker

Hey folks, let's get straight to it.

I fell in love with music after randomly ending up in a blues club in Chicago. I paid cover for a bar seat but only needed the edge. The energy was electric. The music was raw. Real. It made me feel something. I'm always reminded of that night when I listen to Earl Hooker. Considered a "musician's musician", B.B. King praised his slide playing and described him as the "Best of modern guitarists. Period."

"It was nobody else like him, he was just one of a kind." – B.B. King

Find out what sounds and feels good. Follow that. Take from your influences. This is how you begin to find your voice. Start asking yourself what the music sounds like in your head. What are you going to play when your turn comes around at the table?

“I think everybody has to go down their own path. You have to listen to the music for yourself. I think that’s the point when you start to learn what you’re capable of, when you just stop listening to what everyone says and start to follow your own nose. It’s really important when you’re learning, because it’s those influences that are going to make you who you are. Stop thinking about labels and chord charts and just follow the things that make you feel good. That make you feel something. For me, I liked a very specific point when country-blues first went electric - that was my shit!” – Dan Auerbach, The Black Keys

Good luck.

Catch you on the flip side,
Uncle Mike